Best Alcohol Stove Material – Carbon Felt vs Fiberglass Insulation

Best Alcohol Stove Material Carbon Felt vs Fiberglass Insulation
When making a homemade Alcohol Stove which wicking fabrics are best to use and why?

Fiberglass has a much lower melting temperature than carbon felt dose. Fiberglass will melt a bit when you let the alcohol burn down very low in the stove. This causes the fiberglass to wick less and not carry as much alcohol to the top to be burned off.

The carbon felt will not melt from the heat of your camping or backpacking alcohol stove. It will continue to preform like new for nearly the like of the stove and never need replacing.

Fiberglass has a melting point of around 1000°F.
Carbon Felt has a melting poin of about 3000°F.

Many designs of new Alcohol Stoves can be found here.

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